Canon AL-1 Battery


The Canon AL-1 operates on a pair of "AA" size dry cells located within the battery grip section of the camera. Press the battery check button, next to the film rewind knob. If the meter needle in the viewfinder comes near the number 60, then it will require changing.


Be very careful when opening the door cover, because it sometimes breaks off at the hinge, and replacement and repair can be expensive.


Make sure you insert the batteries the right way round. If there is any corrosion near the battery terminals, then the camera will not operate due to poor electrical contact.

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Canon AL-1
Canon AL-1 QF
Canon AL-1 Review
Canon AL-1 Price / eBay
Canon AL-1 QF Technology
Canon AL-1 Battery
How to Use Canon AL-1
Canon AL-1 Mount and Lenses
Canon AL-1 Manual