Canon AL-1 Price / eBay

Usually, eBay is the place that has this camera for sale, and the price can vary greatly depending upon the condition of the offering.

This extremely reliable camera benefitted from the same manufacturing technology as that used in the Canon A-line. Any faults that occur are usually due to misuse, and one common problem is a broken battery door / cover. Replacement battery doors are readily available and simple to fix requiring some basic repair skills. However, if you are not mechanically inclined, then it is better to pay a little extra and get one with a door.

Side View

Condition is everything with camera collectors, and this camera looks extremely nice when in mint condition. If you have the complete original kit in mint condition then collectors are usually willing to pay around a hundred pounds, and sometimes more for it. I have never seen one with the original 1982 retail packaging and box, but if you have that, then you could cause a meltdown of the auction! However, it very much depends upon the number of collectors present on the day. I was extremely lucky because my reference model turned out to be in mint condition and fully working only requiring some fresh batteries. This is great for me because I can spend more time testing it with monochrome film, and writing this article!

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Canon AL-1
Canon AL-1 QF
Canon AL-1 Review
Canon AL-1 Price / eBay
Canon AL-1 QF Technology
Canon AL-1 Battery
How to Use Canon AL-1
Canon AL-1 Mount and Lenses
Canon AL-1 Manual