B9G Paxolin Valve Socket

B9G Paxolin Valve Socket

The EF50 valve requires the 9-pin B9G socket. This particular one consists of PAXOLIN material that was popularly used for valve sockets. The socket has a spring ring clip at the centre that engages with the stem part of the valve to secure it in place.

Socket Base

These are very old sockets and consequently the pins will have oxide developing, and the spring clip will be rusty. However, it is possible to clean it using some WD40.

Stem Notch
B9G Socket

The hole at the centre has a slot (shown by the red arrow) to ensure that the valve does not fit in any other orientation. This slot corresponds with that on the valve stem. The pins on either side (immediate) of the slot are for the heater element.

A top tip is to remember is that the valve pinout is not the same as the socket pinout. For the socket, one has to mirror reverse the valve pinout. Beginners often make this rookie mistake.

This Article Continues...

One Valve Radio – EF50 The War Hero
EF50 Pinout
EF50 One Valve Radio Circuit
EF50 One Valve Radio Construction
B9G Paxolin Valve Socket
Installing BG9 Socket
Ferrite Coil and Variable Capacitor
Power Supply Using AC Transformer
Power Supply Using DC Adapter