EF50 One Valve Radio Power Supply Using DC Adapter

When choosing a DC adapter "wall-wart" for the power supply, make sure it has a conventional transformer inside and is not the switched-mode type. The latter type does not work and the radio will pick up a huge amount of radio frequency interference. If you have the old-fashioned type with a conventional transformer, then it should be a robust one capable of delivering two amps or more, and a voltage greater than +12 V DC, and less than 15 V.

Since 0.3 A for the filament is a lot of current, even if one uses banks of batteries, they would deplete within hours. Batteries are also expensive and not environmentally friendly; therefore, the sensible and cost-effective option is to power it from the mains. If you already have a robust wall-wart type adapter that does not employ switched mode circuitry, and provides a few amps of current, then you can omit the bridge rectifier and transformer from the circuit. However, you will still require the voltage regulators to produce the 6 V and 9 V.

Wall-wart type adapters usually do not employ the earth pin; therefore, you will need to attach a separate earth wire to the negative rail of the one valve radio circuit.

This Article Continues...

One Valve Radio – EF50 The War Hero
EF50 Pinout
EF50 One Valve Radio Circuit
EF50 One Valve Radio Construction
B9G Paxolin Valve Socket
Installing BG9 Socket
Ferrite Coil and Variable Capacitor
Power Supply Using AC Transformer
Power Supply Using DC Adapter