Tuned Circuit Example 2

Tuned Circuit Example 2

In this parallel LC tuned circuit example, the coil value is not known, however we have the value of the capacitor 150 pF, and we have the carrier frequency of 13.56 MHz. Show that a suitable value for the inductor could be 920 nH. In this question, you have to transpose the resonance formula for the L term, and calculate its value. Another page of this multi-page article, shows how to transpose this formula, therefore we start with the following.

Transposed for L

This is the previously transposed formula.


F=13.56 MHz, C=150 pF


Tuned Circuit Articles

Tuned Circuit
Tuned Circuit Bandwidth
Tuned Circuit Resonance Formula
Tuned Circuit Q Value
Transpose Resonant Frequency Formula
Tuned Circuit Example 1
Tuned Circuit Example 2
Tuned Circuit Example 3