Tuned Circuit Example 3

Tuned Circuit Example 3

A baby monitor has a frequency of 434 MHz. If the capacitor in its tuned circuit has a value of 10 pF, what is the value of the inductor L?

In these types of questions, we use the standard formula for resonant frequency and transpose it to give us L. The transposition steps and calculators are in earlier pages of this section, so we simply begin with the transposed formula.

L = (1 / (2 × π × f))2 / C

L = (1 / (2 × π × 434 × 106))2 / 10 × 10-12

L = 1.345 × 10-8

Which is 13 × 10-9 otherwise known as 13 nH

Tuned Circuit Articles

Tuned Circuit
Tuned Circuit Bandwidth
Tuned Circuit Resonance Formula
Tuned Circuit Q Value
Transpose Resonant Frequency Formula
Tuned Circuit Example 1
Tuned Circuit Example 2
Tuned Circuit Example 3