Olympus Trip 35 Specification

The following specifications of the Olympus Trip 35 are as stated in the manual, whilst the rest obtained by dismantling the camera.

Made in

  • Japan

Serial Number

  • 3641141

Film Size

  • 24 mm × 36 mm

Lens System

  • D. Zuiko
  • F2.8
  • Focal length 40 mm
  • Four elements in three groups

Shutter Mechanism

  • Two-blade leaf type
  • Automatic 1/40 or 1/200 second
  • Manual 1/40

Flash Photography

  • Accessory Shoe
  • "X syncro" output
  • Flash PC Socket
  • F3.8 to F22


  • Lens / Filter
  • Tripod Socket
  • Flash Mount

Automatic Mode

  • Under exposure protection
  • Aperture control from F2.8 to F2.2


  • Magnification 0.55
  • Parallax correction marks
  • Zone focus marks
  • Red flag indicator

Film Loading System

  • Easy Loading (EL) system

Film Advance Winding

  • Thumb winding wheel
  • Self-cocking
  • Prevents double advances
  • Prevents double exposures

Film Counter

  • Counts the exposed frames
  • Self-resetting

Film Rewinding

  • Cranking handle
  • Sprocket release button


  • Zone focusing system
  • Four positions
  • Additional distance scale in foot and meters

Exposure Meter

  • Selenium Cell
  • Moving Coil Meter
  • EV 8.32 to EV 17.14 at (ASA 100)

Film Speeds

  • ASA 25 to ASA 400

Filter Size

  • 43.5 mm screw-in type

Rear cover

  • Metal
  • Hinge type with an unlocking lever

Mass / Size

  • 410 g
  • 116 mm × 70 mm × 57 mm

This Article Continues...

Olympus Trip 35
The Olympus Trip 35 Basic Guide
Olympus Trip 35 Double Exposure
Olympus Trip 35 Film Compartment
Olympus Trip 35 Film Loading
ASA and ISO Settings
Olympus Trip 35 Zone Focusing
Olympus Trip 35 Specification
Olympus Trip 35 Aperture Settings
Olympus Trip 35 Gallery