Sony WM-FX290 Inside

The Sony WM-FX290 uses the most advanced electronic engineering in its circuitry and manufacturing. This model has an LCD readout driven directly by a microcontroller chip. From the PCB markings there were many versions made, including a version for Canada. Notice the surface-mount device (SMD) switch marked TV / WB, even though this particular version does not have TV or Weather Band (WB) reception. However, the Sony WM-FX290W has that capability and they used the same PCB for that model as well.

LCD and Processor

LCD and Processor

The LCD provides logic and function information including station readout for the tuner radio. The microcontroller IC is underneath the LCD module and you can just see it in this picture. The controller chip drives the LCD panel directly; hence, they have stacked the components to save space. The controller chip would take care of the digital tuning as well as the button functions such as band selection and presets.

Integrated Circuit

Integrated Circuit

This looks like a motor driver and servo control chip combined into one package. From the symbol, the Panasonic Corporation manufactures it.

As technology improves, these modern gadgets become more powerful and cost less.

LCD Display

LCD Display

It has a nice and clear LCD display, providing a lot of information. I love the battery symbol showing the power level of the battery.

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Sony WM-FX290
Sony WM-FX290
Sony WM-FX290 Inside
Sony WM-FX290 Tape Transport
Sony WM-FX290 Mechanism
Sony WM-FX290 / WM-FX290W PCB
Sony WM-FX290 Cassette Lid
Sony WM-FX290 Battery
Sony WM-FX290 Case