Sony WM-FX290 Mechanism

Sony WM-FX290 Mechanism

The Sony WM-FX290 has a metal chassis onto which the tape drive mechanism mounts. It uses a highly evolved manufacturing process, consisting of plastic composites moulded into the chassis to eliminate the use of screws. The mechanism has plastic cogwheels, as this would be cheaper to fabricate than metal cogwheels. The push-button assembly consists of metal components, however the design is highly optimised reducing the number of springs and screws.


This Walkman has a disc motor, and consequently the speed of the tape is extremely smooth and noticeable. These motors require very little power, which helps extend battery life.



Here is a closer look at the plastic cogwheels. Plastic is cheaper to fabricate than metal cogwheels. The manufacturing is to a very precise tolerance that only the Japanese know how.

This product uses advanced engineering, and is worth seeing.

Drive Belt

Drive Belt

Here is another look at the drive belt. Drive belts are getting expensive these days, however I managed to buy mine in Japan when I last visited, as they are far cheaper there.

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Sony WM-FX290
Sony WM-FX290
Sony WM-FX290 Inside
Sony WM-FX290 Tape Transport
Sony WM-FX290 Mechanism
Sony WM-FX290 / WM-FX290W PCB
Sony WM-FX290 Cassette Lid
Sony WM-FX290 Battery
Sony WM-FX290 Case