WM-BF22 Magnetic Audio Head

WM-BF22 Magnetic Audio Head

The Sony WM-BF22 has a conventional audio head, which appears to be a Sony design. It is extremely sensitive and has a good frequency response. This is a highly magnified view of the head and as you can see, it has a mirror smooth polished surface that reflects light. The thickness of the magnetic core gap determines the frequency response, and back in 1990s Sony were the leaders in this technology. They created some of the best heads that are still in use today. These heads can wear out after excessive use and it is possible to find replacement heads from online electronics suppliers. However, I also keep spare parts just in case a component cannot be found online.

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WM-BF22 Opening
WM-BF22 Inside
WM-BF22 Motor Drive
LA4570 Audio Chip
TA8122AF Radio Chip
WM-BF22 Magnetic Audio Head
WM-BF22 Controls
Sony BP-700 & Power
WM-BF22 Headphones
WM-BF22 Packaging
WM-BF22 Specifications