ATmega32 SUT CKSEL Fuse Bit Configuration

1104.1 msFast rising power
11165 msSlowly rising power

The SUT_CKSEL Fuse Bit controls the amount of time given to the oscillator circuit to reach a stable output before the first instruction executes. Generally, oscillators need a little time to stabilize, and this can vary depending upon whether a crystal or a resonator is used. Resonators generally take a little more time than crystals.

Resonators as well as RC oscillators, require more time to stabilise, in comparison to crystals. Good quality crystals generally do not need much time to stabilise. However, it is good practice to give the oscillator some time on start-up as it is in the millisecond range.

In this application, I am giving the oscillator the maximum time of 65 ms to stabilise with slowly rising power. In this case, we select binary 11; hence, both boxes SUT1 and SUT0 are unchecked.

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ATMega32 16 MHz Fuse Bit
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