T-100F eBay Cost

The National Panasonic T-100 series of vintage radios are usually very popular as they were high-end radios designed to produce the best sound from their dual speaker system. The radio reception is excellent, as one would expect from a Japanese design. Their price depends upon whether they are working and their cosmetic state. A used broken one that does not produce any sound might sell for approximately ten pounds; however, a working one in reasonable cosmetic condition can sell for considerably more. The T-100F might be of more value as it has vintage germanium transistors that are very difficult to find today.

Radio View

Before you all rush off to eBay, to see if there is one for sale, I should mention that the photographs shown in this article were taken after the radio was repaired and cleaned. This renovation project took a considerable amount of my time, because I had to take it apart, repair, and reassemble it. However, it was great fun to restore this lovely piece of vintage history, which would be hard to find today. If you see one going cheap, then snap it up!

This Article Continues...

National Panasonic T-100F
T-100F eBay Cost
T-100F Repair
T-100F Audio Circuit Design
T-100F IF Block
T-100F FM RF Amp
T-100F Chassis
T-100F Batteries