Sony CF-270L Mechanism


The Sony CF-270L audio amplifier board has a hinge on one side, so you can access the tape transport mechanism and the associated components without removing the board completely. This unit required a new drive belt and I managed to install a generic belt that was the correct size. This is also the best time to remove any accumulation of dust and rust on the metal sliding parts. There was a lot of rubber dust from the worn out belt.

The audio board also has the circuit reconfiguration switch, which is a long switch that engages in record mode. This requires cleaning with a contact cleaner whilst the board is in the upright position, so that the excess fluid can drip away easily.

Drive Belt
Capstan Flywheel
Motor Pulley
Take-up Wheel


This Article Continues...

Sony CF-270L
Sony CF-270L Inside
Sony CF-270L Tape Transport
Sony CF-270L Mechanism
Sony CF-270L Audio Circuit
Sony CF-270L Radio Circuits
Sony CF-270L Case
Sony CF-270L Power