Sony CF-270L Tape Transport

Sony CF-270L Tape Transport

The Sony CF-270L has an extremely well engineered tape transport system which works well even today. In the photograph above, you can see the motor and the printed circuit board with the servo control circuitry. The audio head appears to be a Sony design, and even though it has passed its useful life period, it still produces great sound.

Tape Path


Playback Head

Playback Head

Head Terminals

Head Terminals

Erase Head

Erase Head

The erase head is just a permanent magnet, which swings into the tape path when the record button is pressed.

Playback Mode

Playback Mode

This Article Continues...

Sony CF-270L
Sony CF-270L Inside
Sony CF-270L Tape Transport
Sony CF-270L Mechanism
Sony CF-270L Audio Circuit
Sony CF-270L Radio Circuits
Sony CF-270L Case
Sony CF-270L Power