Sony CF-270L Power

Battery Compartment

The Sony CF-270L requires eight "D" size dry cells in the battery compartment. There is also a socket to provide +12 V DC from a mains adapter. Alternatively, this unit can connect to the mains as well. There was also a Canadian model, which connected to 120 V AC mains. The power consumption of this unit is 10 W.

It is always better to use rechargeable batteries these days, as it is far greener and cheaper.



There is also a built-in mains transformer and rectifier circuitry to generate the 12 V DC for the unit.

Fuse Board

Fuse Board

There is a 1-ampere quick-blow fuse.

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Sony CF-270L
Sony CF-270L Inside
Sony CF-270L Tape Transport
Sony CF-270L Mechanism
Sony CF-270L Audio Circuit
Sony CF-270L Radio Circuits
Sony CF-270L Case
Sony CF-270L Power