Behringer HPS5000 Headband Design

Headband Design

The HPS5000 has this wonderful simple and clean one-piece headband design without cup pivots. The inner surface of the headband has ridges, and a little plastic strip from the inside of the cup engages into the ridges to lock the cups into place.


Cup Retaining System

If you find that the cups are not locking into place or making that satisfying clicking noise when you slide them along the headband, then the plastic strip inside the clip may need replacing. As you can see, two screws secure this strip into place. I simply cleaned the insides of any dust and tightened the two screws and that was sufficient.

If you need to remove the cups from the headband, then you first have to remove the plastic strip by undoing the two screws. This will then allow you to slide the cups freely for removal.

Cup Locking Mechanism
Cup View

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Headband Design
Double Magnet Driver Mod
Wire Repair
Ear Pads