Cathode Ray Tube

A cathode ray tube (CRT) is an electronic display device, which builds an image on the surface of the screen by electrons striking a phosphor chemical and producing light. Its primary components consist of an electron gun, deflection coils, and final anode assembly, which are integral to building an image consisting of lines.

Television CRT

Cathode Ray Tube

A television CRT is an elongated glass vacuum tube with a cylindrical neck housing the electron gun, and a bulbous end with a flattened surface where the picture displays, called a screen. The screen has a layer of phosphor coating which becomes luminescent when an electron collides upon it. The electron gun is responsible for generating a stream of electrons, and the grid controls its intensity. A deflection coil around the electron gun moves the beam of electrons across the surface of the screen, thus building the picture.


  • Oscilloscopes
  • Televisions
  • Computer monitors
  • Radar

Old Technology

Attention Label

This tube has a powerful electron gun, which shoots electrons to the front of the screen, where your head would be. It also has a large deflection coil, which produces powerful magnetic fields.

Usually a CRT produces small levels of x-ray radiation; however, large tubes have to meet regulations. According to the label, this tube appears to meet the necessary regulations.

Buy a New Television

Of course the latest televisions that you can buy online use LED screen technology which means zero radiation and therefore much more desirable. The latest televisions also have built-in digital receivers as well as a whole host of modern functions.

This Article Continues...

Sony Television KV-36FS76U
Cathode Ray Tube (CRT)
How does the electron gun inside a TV work?
Deflection Coil
Final Anode
Buy a New Television
Television Integrated Circuits
Sony Television Boards & Components
Television Computer System
LM1876 Overture™ Audio Power Amplifier
Line Output Transformer (LOPT) / Flyback (FBT)
Sony Television PSU
Degaussing Coils
Sony KV-36FS76U Television Speakers
Sony KV-36FS76U Back Cover
A Television Journey
Sony KV-36FS76U Fault Troubleshooting