Sony Television Boards & Components
As you can see from the photographs, back in 2002, the television design was modular, consisting of individual boards, which slotted onto the main one, and there were plenty of cable looms connecting boards together. With computer technology introduced into television circuitry, many of the boards had surface-mount integrated circuits repairable only at the factory. Repair and service was a simple task of replacing the boards, however the main boards were still repairable in the conventional way.
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Sony Television KV-36FS76UCathode Ray Tube (CRT)
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Deflection Coil
Final Anode
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Television Integrated Circuits
Sony Television Boards & Components
Television Computer System
LM1876 Overture™ Audio Power Amplifier
Line Output Transformer (LOPT) / Flyback (FBT)
Sony Television PSU
Degaussing Coils
Sony KV-36FS76U Television Speakers
Sony KV-36FS76U Back Cover
A Television Journey
Sony KV-36FS76U Fault Troubleshooting