Sony WM-FX193 Inside

Sony WM-FX193 Inside

The Sony WM-FX193 has an extremely well engineered printed circuit board (PCB), and they are using surface-mount device (SMD) components to fit them all into a tight space. This is a wonderful example of PCB artwork and layout, and it is a skill in which the Japanese arm of Sony has always excelled at. The construction of this PCB would have required automation, with very little manual labour for soldering the external wires.

The top IC is the AM/FM radio tuner, whilst the one below is the main audio and motor driver chip. Many shops still sell Sony Walkmans, and since this model was one of the last ones, it is still possible to find old stock.

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Sony WM-FX193
Sony WM-FX193 Inside
Sony WM-FX193 Mechanism
Sony WM-FX193 Tape Transport
Sony WM-FX193 Radio Design
Sony WM-FX193 Radio Chip TA2111F
Sony WM-FX193 LB8115 Audio Chip
Sony WM-FX193 Battery Compartment