Sony WM-FX193 Radio Chip TA2111F


The TA2111N/F/FN is a single chip AM/FM tuner solution, manufactured by the Toshiba Corporation, and it was an extremely popular integrated circuit (IC) for portable radios. Compared to earlier Walkmans of the 1980s period, the radio circuit often consisted of separate chips, for the FM Multiplex, VCO Mixer, and Decoder. However, the TA2111F packs everything into one single chip. This IC also has the advantage of requiring minimal external components, which makes it a number one choice for portable applications.

Block Diagram

Block Diagram

From this block diagram, you can see that all the decoding blocks are within the IC, and only a few components are required externally. It is amazing that the local oscillators and mixers for both the AM and FM reception are on this single IC. If you have built a one transistor radio, then you will appreciate this technology better.

Toshiba make some of the most advanced monolithic ICs, and this particular IC is the most advanced single chip tuner design.

Radio Circuit

Radio Circuit

Here is a typical radio circuit built around this IC. If I can find an IC, then I shall have a go at building one. You will be able to see it in the Radios section of the website.

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Sony WM-FX193
Sony WM-FX193 Inside
Sony WM-FX193 Mechanism
Sony WM-FX193 Tape Transport
Sony WM-FX193 Radio Design
Sony WM-FX193 Radio Chip TA2111F
Sony WM-FX193 LB8115 Audio Chip
Sony WM-FX193 Battery Compartment