Nokia 3310 Flashing FAQ

A common problem is the serial socket wired the wrong way round. The schematic shows the socket from the soldering side, which is the side you solder the pins. This view makes it easy to build the circuit. I had to use a program called "UserPort 1.0", which provides older programs the necessary programming interface to communicate over the serial port. The "Nokia DCT3 Flasher" requires this program in order to use the serial port.

Test the COM1 port of the computer by joining pin 2 and pin 3, which is Tx and Rx. Make sure that the "Flow control" parameter is set to "None". You will need to learn how HyperTerminal works.

Phone Appears Dead

If the phone does not switch ON and appears dead after the firmware flash, then exit the Nokia DCT3 Flasher program, and start it again. Restarting the program automatically re-establishes the correct voltages on the parallel port bus to reset the phone. You should hear a cluck sound -- as a dolphin would make -- when starting the flasher program again. Then check to see if the phone starts up. This is just one of those strange quirks of the whole system.

"Power OFF mobile first then connect"

This message appears when trying to flash, but the mobile is OFF. This appears if you have the charger cable attached to the phone. It is not possible to charge the phone and flash the firmware at the same time; therefore, you must disconnect the charger from the phone.

FAID Problem

After flashing, I cannot update FAID nor do a SW reset.

The phone is required to be ON during this operation. It must also have a connection to the serial port. Jumper pin J1 is set to MBus

Use Proper Sequence

  1. Switch OFF mobile phone
  2. Set jumper switch
  3. Plug cable in to serial port COM1
  4. Start Nokia DCT3 Flasher program
  5. Switch ON mobile
  6. Does phone info in the MBus menu option appear?
  7. Press "FAID"
  8. Press "SW Reset"

Phone Keeps Resetting

After successfully flashing the phone, the signal strength appears zero and the phone cannot call out or receive call. The phone also appears to be resetting itself and the start up screen keeps reappearing after a few seconds.

This happens because you have not updated FAID nor done the SW reset process. These are buttons on the Nokia DCT3 Flasher program, which work through the serial cable (MBus) so make sure this cable is connected.

Choose "Read phone info" from the Mbus menu option, and then press "FAID" and then press "SW Reset".

This Article Continues...

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Flashing the Nokia 3310
Nokia 3310 Flashing FAQ
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