Handspring Visor Battery Replacement

Battery Compartment

The Deluxe, Platinum, and Neo, Visors use standard AAA size batteries which are very simple to replace. When you take the main AAA batteries out, a memory backup super-capacitor provides power for up to one minute to protect the memory. Since it lasts for only one minute, there is just one-minute window of time to replace them. In order to prevent memory loss, they designed this Visor so that it stops operating before the batteries are depleted completely. It does this in order to reserve some power for the memory. The reserve power is usually enough to protect the memory contents for up to one month.

Memory Backup Capacitor

As you can see, C19 is the super-capacitor, for memory backup appliactions.

Compartment Cover

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Handspring Visor Deluxe
Electronic Engineering
Main Board -- Buffer Side
Main Board -- Processor Side
Button Board
Memory Board
Visor Hack
Battery Replacement
Game Module -- Tiger Woods PGA Tour Golf