SideWinder Force Feedback Pro Joystick Boot

Ring with 4 Screws

The rubber boot of the Force Feedback Pro joystick is secured by a plastic ring and four screws. The boot protects the mechanism underneath from dust; hence it is an important part of the joystick. In order to remove the boot, I had to first dismantle the joystick grip and desolder the small boards that were inside it. If your rubber boot is damaged or cracked, then it is important to replace it because underneath, there is usually a greased mechanism, and if dust mixes with the grease, it will not perform as well as it should.

Replacing the Boot
Rubber Boot
Underside View
Rubber- Boot Removed

This Article Continues...

SideWinder Force Feedback Pro
Joystick Design
Hi-Hat Buttons and PCB
Joystick Boot
Opening for Repair
Inside View
Control Board
Joystick Movement Mechanism
Throttle Assembly
Optical Components
Power Supply