Sanyo MGR59 Inside

Sanyo MGR59 Inside

For a budget end player, the Sanyo MGR59 has extremely high quality construction from the inside. It is amazing to think that hand assembly was involved in their construction, and when comparing this vintage player with something high-end and modern, you can see that more effort went into the build of this budget-end product.

Chip Soldering

Chip Soldering

This is the location of the LA4520 audio IC. The red and white wires are the left and right channels from the audio head. They connect to the positive non-inverting inputs of the internal preamplifiers at pin 3 and pin 8. You can see more of this IC in the following sections of this multi-page article.

Nicely designed products are always desirable buy because they last longer than their cheaper counterparts do. Moreover, this PCB is nicely designed hence it continues to operate after 30 years!



This is a very basic motor that continues to operate well after all these years.

This Article Continues...

Sanyo MGR59
Sanyo MGR59
Sanyo MGR59 Inside
Sanyo MGR59 PCB & Circuit Components
Sanyo MGR59 Motor Drive
Sanyo MGR59 Tape Transport
Sanyo MGR59 Radio Design
Sanyo LA4520 Audio Chip
Sanyo LA4520 Schematic / Circuit Diagram
Sanyo MGR59 Battery Compartment