Sanyo MGR59 PCB & Circuit Components

Sanyo MGR59 PCB & Circuit Components

The Sanyo MGR59 printed circuit board (PCB) has extremely good engineering. They are using conventional components, and their placement indicates that the assembly would have been by hand. By using integrated circuits (IC), they were able to pack a great amount of functionality into a small space, and it is remarkable that they achieved it using conventional components. Back then, the least cost and the simplest radio chipset was by Toshiba, which consisted of three ICs. Toshiba later improved upon their design and incorporated all the radio circuitry into one chip.

Sanyo MGR59 PCB has four ICs. There is one IC for the audio function and three for the FM / AM radio.



It is a very neat construction with all the electrolytic capacitors bent over in the same direction to reduce the profile. The tuning mechanism is string based and would have been set by hand. The internal construction is superb and very high quality as one would expect from Sanyo.

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Sanyo MGR59
Sanyo MGR59
Sanyo MGR59 Inside
Sanyo MGR59 PCB & Circuit Components
Sanyo MGR59 Motor Drive
Sanyo MGR59 Tape Transport
Sanyo MGR59 Radio Design
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Sanyo LA4520 Schematic / Circuit Diagram
Sanyo MGR59 Battery Compartment