Sanyo MGR59 Tape Transport

Sanyo MGR59 Tape Transport

The Sanyo MGR59 tape transport mechanism is highly simplified by eliminating the tape rewind function. Consequently, there is only spindle for winding the tape. There is also a very basic but effective auto shut-off mechanism. The large spring pushes the tape head platform back up when the stop button is pressed.

Audio Head

Audio Head

The T385 / P6Y12 audio head is a standard design of good quality used on many walkmans of the same series. Interestingly, the manufacturers have provided a screw for the azimuth adjustment, when fixed posts would have been cheaper.

Fixed posts became a reality on later Sony Walkmans, when manufacturing methods were improved and parts fabricated to extremely tight tolerances.

I just love this Walkman, and if you ever get a chance to buy it then you should jump to it.

Pinch Roller and Capstan

Pinch Roller and Capstan

The capstan spindle is usually chrome plated, however on this model, the plating is thin and worn out. The pinch roller design is very robust on this player.

This Article Continues...

Sanyo MGR59
Sanyo MGR59
Sanyo MGR59 Inside
Sanyo MGR59 PCB & Circuit Components
Sanyo MGR59 Motor Drive
Sanyo MGR59 Tape Transport
Sanyo MGR59 Radio Design
Sanyo LA4520 Audio Chip
Sanyo LA4520 Schematic / Circuit Diagram
Sanyo MGR59 Battery Compartment