Kenwood KR-V6060 Inside Look
Most engineers are impressed by this large aluminium heatsink block made of thick plates. It is one of the best examples I have seen, and this is what most electronics engineers should aspire to designing.
In this plan view, you can see that the transistor terminals bend and solder to the PCB; hence, there is a gap between the PCB and the heatsink block.
This amplifier has a very sophisticated power supply design, where two sources of AC converts to DC using a pair of bridge rectifiers. The relay then combines the DC currents.
The 2SB1470 and 2SD2222 pair of power transistors are used for the main front channels.
This smaller transformer is for the standby power.
There seems to be lots of copper filter coils, and links. There is a lot of attention to detail in the electronic design.
This vertical PCB consists of system control sockets, and video switching RCA sockets.
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Kenwood KR-V6060Kenwood KR-V6060 Review
Kenwood KR-V6060 Broken by Courier
2SB1470 and 2SD2222 Power Transistors
Kenwood KR-V6060 Inside Look
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Rotary Encoder Switch
Kenwood KR-V6060 Power Supply
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