Sony WM-EX610 Back Case

Back Case

The back case of the Sony WM-EX610 has a small circular tinted window through which to see the tape hub rotating. I do not like this one design feature because it is difficult to see anything through the window. A large clear window would have been more useful. As you can see, the back panel is made of metal just like the rest of the case and has all the logos. This side is of course more prone to scratches if not looked after properly.

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Sony WM-EX610
Sony WM-EX610 Inside
Sony WM-EX610 Tape Deck
Sony WM-EX610 Audio Head
TA2123AF Chipset
Sony WM-EX610 Fault
Sony WM-EX610 Motor
Sony WM-EX610 Drive Belt
Sony ATS & Tape Sensor
Sony WM-EX610 Servicing
NC-6WM Battery & BC-7SP2 Adapter
Sony WM-EX610 Back Case