bigtrak Circuit Board


If your soldering is accurate, it is possible to desolder the circuit board from the motor terminals whilst the gearbox was still in its place; however, there is a strong risk of damaging the plastic with the soldering iron. Therefore removing the whole gearbox might be a good idea.

Removing the circuit board is simple. As you can see, it remains affixed to the gearbox, so removing the gearbox will also bring the PCB out as well. The first step is to desolder the wires to the battery terminals, speaker, and LED. Then flip the toy over and undo the four screws that secure the gearbox.

Removing the PCB

As you can see, the gearbox will simply drop off when the screws are undone and the wires desoldered.

Circuit board and gearbox.

Once the gearbox and PCB are out, there is plenty of space to do the desoldering.

Removing the screws.

Perhaps it is better to remove the screws that secure the PCB to the gearbox.

Motor terminals.

As you can see, there are just two solder points that require desoldering. A good quality solder sucker is required to remove the solder that fixes the PCB to the motor terminals. You could use a desoldering braid, but you will be spending money, and your solder sucker is free.

Desoldering the motor terminals.

The motor PCB slots into the main circuit board. After removing the solder, they are free to go their own separate ways.

Removing the PCB.

After desoldering the other motor PCB, the main PCB detaches easily.

This Article Continues...

bigtrak Commands
Opening the bigtrak
bigtrak Gearbox
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bigtrak Circuit Board
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