bigtrak Ribbon Cable

Ribbon cable of the bigtrak toy car.

If you are opening the bigtrak for the first time, you need to be very careful when you separate the two halves of the case, as there is a thin plastic ribbon cable fixed to both halves. Storing the toy in the attic or leaving it out in the sun can make the plastic brittle becoming yellow.


There is a plastic clip with screws, which attaches the ribbon cable to the PCB. Removing the screws will release the cable. This is the only safe way to remove the cable. The other way is to remove the keypad membrane, which is stuck with glue. Damage is likely to occur if you remove it.

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bigtrak Commands
Opening the bigtrak
bigtrak Gearbox
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bigtrak Circuit Board
bigtrak Encoder
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bigtrak Ribbon Cable
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Buying a bigtrak