bigtrak With Raspberry Pi
The Raspberry Pi is one of those wonderful inventions created by the genius Eben Upton and the Raspberry Pi foundation. It is a great educational toy for children of all ages to learn the Python language. This toy is an ideal candidate for modification for those playing with the Raspberry Pi and the Python language. As you can see, there is plenty of space to dedicate a Raspberry Pi to the unit. There are already articles on the Internet showing how to connect a motor driver chip to the toy; hence, I will not be showing that.
The great thing about this toy is that its transmission gearbox uses magnetic couplers to keep both motors in synchronisation. This means that one simply has to energise the motors, using the Python language and the toy will move in a straight line. It reduces much of the complexity associated with closed loop servo systems that would otherwise be required.
There is also space to dedicate a breadboard, which would be useful for tinkering with the wiring. The possibilities are of course endless with what you could do with a Pi in one of these.
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bigtrakbigtrak Commands
Opening the bigtrak
bigtrak Gearbox
bigtrak Motor
bigtrak Circuit Board
bigtrak Encoder
bigtrak Power Switch
bigtrak Removing the Wheels
bigtrak Facelift - The bigBrit Mod
bigtrak Facelift Modification
bigtrak Circuit Diagram - H Bridge Motor Driver
bigtrak Circuit Diagram - Encoder Servo
bigtrak Circuit Hack
bigtrak Speaker - Battery - LED - Wiring
bigtrak Ribbon Cable
bigtrak With Raspberry Pi
bigtrak Battery Cover and Compartment
bigtrak Front Suspension Mod
bigtrak Modifications Log
bigtrak Painting Wheel Rim Modification
Buying a bigtrak